
1. данные; информация; сведения
2. характеристики
acceleration data
accelerometer data
acoustic data
aerodynamic data
air data
aircraft data
airflow data
airfoil data
angle-of-attack data
auto-flap flight data
balance data
coefficient data
computer data
control data
control surface data
cost data
cost effectiveness data
crack data
crash data
cruise data
damping data
downlink data
drag data
dynamic data
engine data
fatigue data
flight data
flight measured data
flight-extracted data
flight progress data
flutter data
four-bladed data
fractographic data
fracture data
free-to-roll data
frequency response data
full-scale data
handling qualities data
hard data
high-stress data
icing data
impact data
inertia data
infra-red data
input data
jet data
JTIDS data
kinetheodolite data
knowledge data
lateral data
lateral-directional data
leading-edge flap-only data
lessons-learned data
level recording data
load data
longitudinal data
maintenance data
maneuver data
maneuvering data
mass/inertia data
mean-flow data
mission-related data
modal test data
model data
model-scale data
moment of inertia data
oil flow data
open-loop data
oscillatory data
performance data
pilot rating data
position data
positioning data
power required data
power-off data
pressure data
radar data
radiometric data
ramp data
raw data
response data
rotary-balance data
routing data
sensor data
sideslip data
simulated data
soft data
speed-power data
stability data
static wind tunnel data
steady-state data
step response data
stick data
structural data
subcritical data
task data
TCAS data
telemetered data
telemetry data
temperature data
terrain data
test data
thrust data
touchdown data
trajectory data
trimmed data
tunnel data
undeflected flap data
vibration data
visualization data
vortex data
weather data
weight and balance data
wind data
wind-tunnel data
wing rock data
yaw data

Авиасловарь. . 2004.

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Смотреть что такое "data" в других словарях:

  • data — data …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • dată — DÁTĂ, date, s.f. I. Timpul precis (exprimat în termeni calendaristici) când s a produs sau urmează să se producă un eveniment. ♦ Indicaţia acestui timp pe un act, pe o scrisoare etc. (pusă la întocmirea lor). II. Fiecare dintre numerele, mărimile …   Dicționar Român

  • data — da‧ta [ˈdeɪtə, ˈdɑːtə] noun [plural, uncountable] 1. STATISTICS information or facts about a particular subject that someone has collected: • We cannot tell you the results until we have looked at all the data. ˌprimary ˈdata MARKETING STATISTICS …   Financial and business terms

  • data — DATÁ, datez, vb. I. 1. tranz. A stabili data exactă a unui eveniment sau a unui fapt din trecut. ♦ A pune data pe o scrisoare, pe un act etc. 2. intranz. (Cu determinări introduse prin prep. de la , de sau din ) A se fi produs, a se fi făcut, a… …   Dicționar Român

  • data — 1. Fowler, writing before the computer age, declared uncompromisingly that ‘data is plural only’, and pointed to the singular datum, which he conceded even then to be comparatively rare. For much of the time, data is used in contexts in which a… …   Modern English usage

  • Data — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Para otros usos de este término, véase Data (desambiguación). Data Personaje de Star Trek Interpretado por Brent Jay Spiner Información Raza …   Wikipedia Español

  • data — (izg. dèjta) ž mn DEFINICIJA 1. inform. podaci u obliku prikladnom za računalnu obradu [ova data] 2. općenito, podaci, utvrđene činjenice SINTAGMA data bank (izg. data bènk) inform. velika količina podataka, pojam širi od baze podataka; banka… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • data — I noun back up, documents, evidence, facts, grounds, information, logic, papers, proof, specifics II index clue, documentation, dossier, ground, information (f …   Law dictionary

  • data — {{/stl 13}}{{stl 8}}rz. ż Ia, CMc. dacie {{/stl 8}}{{stl 7}} oznaczony czas jakiegoś wydarzenia; dzień, miesiąc i rok jakiegoś wydarzenia : {{/stl 7}}{{stl 10}}Oznaczona, bliska data. Data urodzin, śmierci, ślubu, chrztu. Dzisiejsza data. Zapisać …   Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień

  • Data — ambient findability audio mining born digital chief knowledge officer clickprint collabulary cybrarian …   New words

  • data — s.f. [dal lat. mediev. data data , part. pass. di dare ]. 1. [indicazione cronologica di un fatto, sia passato che futuro: d. di nascita e di morte ; la lettera è scritta in d. 16 gennaio ] ▶◀ ⇓ anno, giorno, mese. ▲ Locuz. prep.: burocr., in… …   Enciclopedia Italiana

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